Game Reviews

Mine Souls 3 – Minecraft with Dark Souls Mechanics

A few days ago I’ve played a game called Mine Souls 3. It’s an unofficial crossover between Minecraft and Dark Souls 3. Bringing the gameplay mechanics of a souls game with Minecraft graphics and characters.

The results are pretty amazing if you ask me. After playing Elden Ring for more than 700 hours, I’ll play anything Soulslike.

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Mine Souls 3 can be played as a VR game for Meta Quest 2 / Oculus Quest 2 or as a regular game in 3rd perosn perspective. I love both, but I prefer playing it in third-person perspective.

You’ll find many of the familiar Minecraft characters, some of them as regular enemies, other as bosses.

The game is free and downloadable via, so make sure to check it out if you love Dark Souls games and love Minecraft, this is kind of a combinatino of both..

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